1·Each parameter can be set to the name of a group of users (defined in the external security facility) who should have that authority.
2·The Settings library is a storage facility in the thermostat whose values are externally set either manually or through a network source through another task that precedes this one.
3·Set up a remote access facility so you can see what's happening with the software at the customer site.
4·This user ID and password must exist in the facility where user authentication is set to take place (determined by the authentication parameter of the target DB2 UDB instance).
该用户ID和口令必须存在于执行用户身份验证的设施中(由目标DB 2 udb实例的AUTHENTICATION参数决定)。
5·The 1, 200-hp French-built Bugatti set the new standard in supercar bragging rights last summer, at the sprawling Ehra-Lessien test facility owned by the firm's parent company, Volkswagen.
6·With earmarked funds secured by Texas senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Green Freedom has plans to build a demonstration facility at a nuclear power plant set for construction in West Texas.
相关的专用基金得到了德州参议员凯•贝利·哈奇森(Kay Bailey Hutchison)的支持。“绿色自由”已经计划在一家核能工厂内开发一台演示设备,用于德州西部地区建设。
7·In their laboratory his team has set up a one-gallon-a-day production facility, which USES between 19-26kg of coffee grounds.
在他们的实验室,他的团队建起了一个一天能生产1加仑生物燃料的生产设备,大概每天要使用19 - 26公斤咖啡渣。
8·Experts set up a water treatment facility where one community could come to collect clean water, instead of retrieving it from contaminated rivers or streams.
9·The virtual Spaces team set out to implement a remote mentoring facility, which would allow more immersion than a phone call, yet support private exchange of information.
10·The move comes less than a year after the World Bank set up the fast-track facility under the global food crisis Response Program (GFRP) to support global efforts to cope with the food crisis.